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What EU-ROK Partnership within the US-China Conflict?, Asia Centre Paris, 10 November 2020. pdf

Health, Trade and North Korea: The EU-South Korea Summit and Future Ties, 9DashLine, 11 July 2020. pdf

What’s wrong with the EU policy towards North Korea and how to fix it. Europe's World. Friends of Europe, 6 March 2020. pdf


What Can a New “Geopolitical” EU Do about North Korea? 38 North Commentary, 6 February 2020. pdf


What Can the EU Contribute to Peace on the Korean Peninsula? Tereza Novotna discusses the EU’s policies toward North Korea. An interview with Ankit Panda. The Diplomat, 22 July 2019. pdf


Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un need the European Union (with Alessandro Ford), The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 3 May 2019. pdf


Of Pandas and Elephants: The EU is Positioning Itself between China and the US after the April 2019 EU-China Summit, Commentary, Europeum, 14 April 2019. pdf 


The Next Conflict: North Korea — For Americans and Europeans Alike, A Young Professional Summit Participant Perspective on GMF’s Brussels Forum, The German Marshall Fund @ Medium, 10 April 2017. 



In Progress: Making the EU Foreign Policy through EU Delegations, book project, for consideration by Palgrave Pivot – Global Reordering Series (eds. Shaun Breslin and Andre Broome)


In Progress: From an EU Ambassador to an EU Ambassador: Nominations of Heads of EU Delegations under Federica Mogherini (a policy brief under preparation for EUROPEUM’s Brussels Monitor)


Federica Mogherini Four Years through Her Mandate as the High Representative and Vice-President of the Commission in: Rethinking the European Union and its Global Role from the 20thto the 21stCentury. Liber Amicorum Mario Telò. Anne Weyembergh, Giovanni Grevi, Jean-Michel De Waele, Frederik Ponjaert (eds.), Editions de l‘Université libre de Bruxelles, 2019, pp. 225-232. pdf 


Europe as a Global Actor: United We Stand, Divided We Fall, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 55, no. s1, 2017, pp. 177-191 doi: 10.1111/jcms.12601 pdf

  • The article was one of twenty most read JCMS publications in 2017-18 and has been awarded a Wiley Blackwell certificate pdf


The Rome Declaration and the New Global Order, Commentary: The Rome Summit, Europeum, 29 March 2017. pdf


Not a Leap but a Step in the Right Direction: Mogherini’s Structural and Personnel Reform of the EU’s Diplomatic Service, Brussels Monitor, No. 1, Europeum, March 2016. pdf

  • Featured on the POLITICO Playbook as the most popular post on (1 April 2016) 


A close look at the EU foreign service staff reshuffle, EU Observer, 14 March 2016. pdf


Women in the EEAS and EU Delegations: Another Post-Westphalia Change? in: European Diplomacy Post-Westphalia? Jozef Bátora and David Spence (eds.). Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2015, pp. 426-436. pdf


Federica Mogherini and Her First Year as HRVP, Europeum Policy Brief, Europeum, December 2015. pdf


The EU’s Voice in Third Countries: The EU Delegations around the World, Studia Diplomatica, Vol. LXVII, No. 1., November 2014, pp. 29-45. pdf


Review of The EU’s Foreign Policy: What Kind of Power and Diplomatic Action? (ed. by Mario Telò and Frederik Ponjaert) (Farnham, Ashgate, 2013), EUSA Review, Vol. 27, No. 2, Fall 2014, pp.18-19. pdf


Who’s in Charge? Member States, EU Institutions and the European External Action Service, ISPI Policy Brief No. 228, ISPI Milan, 8 October 2014. pdf 


Whose Officials and Whose Nationals? The European External Action Service at the End of Ashton’s Tenure, GR:EEN European Policy Brief, 30 September 2014. pdf


Where Have all the Women Gone? Women in EEAS and EU Delegations, ISPI, Milan, 10 March 2014. pdf  

A Deputy, a Dose of Reorganization and a Schuman Shuffle: How to Make the European External Action Service Work Better, GR:EEN European Policy Brief, March 2013. pdf





In Progress: Brexit, Elections and Public Discourse: The Fate of the TTIP and CETA Negotiations in Europe (a revised conference paper under preparation for Journal of European Integration)


Will Donald Trump shoot down TTIP or rebrand it as the ‘Trump-TIP’? USApp-The LSE US Centre blog on American Politics, 20 January 2017. pdf


Four Reasons Why TTIP May Fail and Why It Will be Europe’s Fault in: New Challenges, New Voices: Next Generation Viewpoints on Transatlantic Relations. Tim Oliver (Ed.). Dahrendorf Forum Special Report. LSE IDEAS London, 2016. pdf

  • Featured on the Politico Playbook as the most popular item on (10 June 2016) 


The Politics of Transatlantic Trade Negotiations: TTIP in a Globalized World (edited with Jean-Frederic Morin, Frederik Ponjaert and Mario Telo; with a Foreword by Commissioner Karl De Gucht): GEM Series. Ashgate, London, 2015.  Discount coupon: pdf


EU Institutions, Member States and TTIP Negotiations: The Balance of Power and EU Foreign Policy in: The Politics of Transatlantic Trade Negotiations: TTIP in a Globalized World, Jean-Frederic Morin, Tereza Novotna, Frederik Ponjaert and Mario Telo (eds.) GEM Series. Ashgate, London, April 2015, pp. 59-68. pdf





In Progress: Brexit Negotiations have been like EU Enlargement – Only in Reverse(a policy paper under preparation) 


Czechia: From a V4-Enthusiast to a V4-Sceptic and Back Again (with Zuzana Stuchlíková) in: The Future of the Visegrad Group. Ania Skrzypek, Maria Skóra (eds.). Foundation for European Progressive Studies and Das Progressive Zentrum, 2017, pp. 6-12. 


How Germany Unified and the EU Enlarged: Negotiating the Accession through Transplantation and Adaptation. New Perspectives in German Political Studies series  (William Paterson, ed.), Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, October 2015. pdf

  • A book review by Carolyne Rowe, German Politics, 2016, 25:3, pp. 436-437

  • A book review by Fraser Cameron, International Spectator, 2016, 51(3), pp. 144–145

  • A book review by Daniel Šitera,Mezinárodní vztahy [International Affairs], 2016, 4, 73-77

  • A book review by Barbara Lippert, JCMS, 2017, 55: 159–160.


The European elections in Central and Eastern EU states illustrate that the rise of Euroscepticism was far from uniform across Europe (with Tim Haughton), LSE EUROPP Blog, 29 May 2014. pdf


The Czech paradox: Did the winner lose and the losers win? (with Tim Haughton and Kevin Deegan-Krause), The MonkeyCage blog, Washington Post, 30 October 2013. pdf


2013 Czech Presidential Election Post-Election Report (with Tim Haughton): Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, and a Slice of Something Blue, The MonkeyCage blog, January 2013. pdf


The 2010 Czech and Slovak Parliamentary Elections: Red Cards to the ‘Winners’ (with Tim Haughton and Kevin Deegan-Krause), West European Politics, Vol. 34, No. 2, 2011, pp. 394-402.  pdf


Dilemmas of Transition: Three Institution-Building Lessons from Central and Eastern Europe, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Working Paper FG1, 2011/6, December 2011. pdf


Reflections on the Peaceful Revolutions in Eastern Europe: How Berlin and Prague Celebrated the 20th Anniversary of 1989, Tr@nsit online, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna, May 2010. pdf


Czech Republic: Prime minister will survive for now (with Tim Haughton), Oxford Analytica Daily Brief, November 12th, 2008.


The Transplantation and Adaptation Types of Political Integration: Examples of the German Unification in Parallel with the Eastern Enlargement of the EU, in Perspectives: The Central European Review of International Affairs, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2008, pp. 77-102.


Civic and Ethnic Conceptions of Nationhood in the First Czechoslovak Republic: Emanuel Radl’s Theories of Nationalism,Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, Vol. 8, No. 3, Blackwell Publishing, 2008, pp. 579-594. pdf


Czech and Slovak Republics on the Way to the EU and the European Union in the Czech and Slovak Pre-Accession Public Discourses in: Tomas Cahlik (ed.),European Union Governance - Challenges and Opportunities, MatFyzPress, Prague, 2008, pp.97-110. pdf


The Eastern Enlargement of the EU: Czech and Slovak Experience, Journal of Comparative European Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, May 2007, University of Oxford, pp. 51-63. pdf


Czechoslovakia, Czechoslovakism and German National Minorities between the World Wars: Emanuel Rádl’s Theory of a Nation and a State, eSharp, No. 6:1, Identity and Marginality, University of Glasgow, November 2005, pp.1-15. pdf





How Germany Unified and the EU Enlarged: Negotiating the Accession through Transplantation and Adaptation. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, October 2015, see under Central Europe for more details.


The man whose words brought down the Berlin Wall was far from a bumbling fool, The Conversation, 10 November 2015. pdf


Merkel's future bedfellows must stoke Germans' European identity, EurActiv, 25 September 2013.  pdf


Wanted! Bringing the European Identity in Post-Election Germany Back In, GR:EEN European Policy Brief, September 2013.  pdf


‘Superwahljahr’ mit Tabus: Der Bundestagswahlkampf und die deutsche Einheit [‘The Super Election Year’ with Taboos: The Federal Election Campaign and the German Unity] (written in German), in Wahlbeobachterreise Berichte 2009,DAAD, Bonn, 2011.


Hastily Arranged Marriage: Political Attitudes and Perceptions in Germany 20 Years after the Unification, German Politics and Society, Vol. 28, No. 4, Winter 2010, pp.19-40. pdf



Římská deklarace a nový světový řád [Czech version of the Rome Summit Commentary above], Komentář: Římský summit, 29 March 2017.  pdf


Žádné velké změny, jen krok správným směrem: Mogheriniové strukturální a personální reforma diplomatické služby EU [Czech translation of the Brussels Monitor No. 1 above], April 2016.  pdf


Odejít, či neodejít? Čtyři klíčové faktory ovlivňující budoucnost Velké Británie v EU [To Leave of Not To Leave? Four Key Factors For the Future of the Great Britain in the EU] (with Tim Haughton),, Europeum blog, January 2016.  pdf


Federica Mogherini a její první rok ve funkci [Federica Mogherini’s First Year in the Office], Europeum Policy Brief, 5 November 2015. pdf


Po letech negace EU chce být vláda u toho [After years of distancing, the government wants to be at the heart of the EU],Lidové noviny, příloha Horizont, 20.2.2014, p. 14. 


Volební systém První československé republiky a jeho reformy [Electoral System of the First Czechoslovak Republic and Its Reforms], in: M. Novák, T. Lebeda (eds.), Volební a stranické systémy, Česká republika v mezinárodním srovnání [Electoral and Party Systems, The Czech Republic in the International Comparison],Aleš Čeněk, Pelhřimov, 2004, pp. 165-196. 


Idea Kantova věčného míru z evropského integračního pohledu [The Idea of Kant’s Perpetual Peace from the Perspective of European Integration], Association for International Affairs/ Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky, December 2003. pdf


Proměny československého volebního systému, Reformy dvacátých let[Variations of the Czechoslovak Electoral System, Reforms of the 1920s], in: Politologická revue [Political Science Review], Vol. IX., No. 2003/1, June 2003, pp. 34-56.


Society in the Era of Normalization in the 1970s and 1980s in Czechoslovakia[Společnost v období normalizace v 70. a 80. letech v Československu], thesis published as a supplement to working papers by the Institute of Contemporary History, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic, May 2004.

North Korea & North East Asia
EU Global Role & Foreign Policy
Transatlantic Relations & Trade
Central Europe, Czech Politics & Visegrad 4
List of publications
Germany & German Politics
Publictions in Czech



This is the list of publications by Dr. Tereza Novotna separated by a theme, in the chronological order. If you wish to see the list of publications separated by a type of publication (such as a book, peer reviewed etc.), please click on the link to download the list of publications as pdf.


For copies of publications, please click on the pdf-icon, the link or contact the author.

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