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  • News on Recent Activities of Dr Tereza Novotna

    Latest News Welcome to my blog! You can find here the latest news, publications, media appearances, invitations to events and various comments about the EU, EU foreign policy, the Korean peninsula and East Asia. 9 December 2021 International Conference on “Connecting Europe and Asia: Security, Trade and Mobility” KORONEU Blog Read More 23 November 2021 Dr. Tereza Novotna and Andre Leu chaired the lecture “An international NGO conducting cooperative organic agriculture projects in North Korea” at Korea-Europe Center at Free University Berlin KORONEU Blog Read More 15 November 2021 2021 G20 Global Leadership Program KORONEU Blog Read More 27 October 2021 Dr. Tereza Novotna as discussant at the Opening Conference “The Next Generation EU recovery plan and its global implications” of The Royal Academy of Belgium and EEAS Miscellaneous Read More 24 October 2021 WorldKorea Forum (WKF) Panel: Dr. Tereza Novotna on “What Can We Learn from the Helsinki Process and “Ostpolitik” for the Peaceful Coexistence on the Korean Peninsula?” KORONEU Blog Read More 14 October 2021 Panel Discussion on the Korea-Visegrad Group Future Cooperation at the Conference on Korea and Central Europe Future Cooperation KORONEU Blog Read More 14 October 2021 Dr. Tereza Novotna presents her policy chapter “Korea and The EU Battling Covid19: Towards Cooperation to Improve the Global Governance of Health?” at the Asia Trends launch event at the Asia Center Paris KORONEU Blog Read More 10 October 2021 4th Annual Kim Dae Jung Lecture with Prof Dr Moon Chung In KORONEU Blog Read More 30 September 2021 Dr. Tereza Novotna on “What Future for the EU-ROK Partnership in the Light of the US-China Competition?” a the American Political Science Association (APSA) KORONEU Blog Read More 28 September 2021 Dr. Tereza Novotna organized and moderated a Two-Panel Conference on “Europe and Asia Fighting COVID-19 Together: Mutual Lessons from the Pandemic” at the Korea-Europe Center, Free University Berlin KORONEU Blog Read More 21 September 2021 Dr. Tereza Novotna participated in the International Association for the Study of German Politics (IASGP) election observation Miscellaneous Read More 1 September 2021 Dr. Tereza Novotna on “Back to the Future: Lessons from the Cold War for the Korean Peninsula” at the Korea Global Forum for Peace (KGFP) KORONEU Blog Read More Load more

  • Article in Media (All) | Dr Tereza Novotná

    Dr Tereza Novotna commented on the revocation of work permit for Pak Kwang Ryong, a North Korean footballer playing for an Austrian team 26 April 2020 Dr Tereza Novotna commented on the revocation of work permit for Pak Kwang Ryong, a North Korean footballer playing for an Austrian team due to the UN sanctions against the DPRK On 20 April 2020, NK News reported that the Austrian government has begun the process of revoking the work permit and issuing a deportation order against North Korean football player Pak Kwang Ryong, potentially marking the end of the career of one of the DPRK’s few internationally-performing athletes as a follow-up on implementation of UN Resolution 2397, which requires member states to repatriate all DPRK citizens earning currency in their territory by the end of 2019. “I suppose it shows how this sanction is absurd, and even counterproductive,” Tereza Novotna told NK News. “I think that there should be cultural, sports and educational exemptions,” she added, pointing to her own country, the Czech Republic, and the positive impact that its engagement with the west had during the Cold War. “When I think back about our (Czechoslovak) experience, going to work to ‘the West’ was one of the things that many still think about fondly,” she said. “There are still shows where Czech actors, musicians, etc talk about their ‘overseas performances,’ how they smuggled in things, saw things they had no idea of… it has become a stuff of legend. The Europeans should think a little more long-term, and think back about their own experience, rather than think short-term and assume that they will please the Trump administration this way.” PDF version of the article can be accessed here . Previous article Next article < Back to all articles

  • A paper "What EU-ROK Partnership within the US-China Conflict?" to be published by Asia Centre Paris

    EUSKOR Blog 31 October 2020 A paper "What EU-ROK Partnership within the US-China Conflict?" to be published by Asia Centre Paris < Back Previous News Next News A paper "What EU-ROK Partnership within the US-China Conflict?" by Dr Tereza Novotna is forthcoming with Asia Center Paris. The hardback copy will be published in Spring 2021, while a draft online version can be found either as a part of the paper collection here , or as a separate .pdf copy here .

  • Six Minute Challenge

    EUSKOR Blog 16 April 2019 Six Minute Challenge < Back Previous News Next News Dr Tereza Novotna presented her research at the „First Six Minute Challenge Berlin“ at the „Tschechisches Zentrum Berlin" (Czech Cultural Center Berlin) on 19 April 2019. You can download the event poster here .

  • 2021 G20 Global Leadership Program

    KORONEU Blog 15 November 2021 2021 G20 Global Leadership Program < Back Previous News Next News On 16-17 November 2021, Dr. Teraza Novotna chaired several lectures which were a part of a week-long training 2021 G20 Global Leadership Program for selected graduate students and mid-career professionals on-site in Berlin which was co-organized by the KDI School for Public Policy and Management and the Korea-Europe Center at Free University Berlin. G20Program2021 .pdf Download PDF • 2.31MB

  • DATENSCHUTZ | Dr Tereza Novotná

    Datenschutz Dies ist eine Datenschutzerklärung. Der Datenschutz ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil einer Website. Diese Vorlage enthält Beispieltexte, ist nicht endgültig und kann nicht veröffentlicht werden. Je nachdem, welche Funktionen Ihre Website aufweist, variiert der Wortlaut Ihrer Datenschutzerklärung. Passen Sie diesen Text daher an. Eine Datenschutzerklärung muss alle Komponenten Dritter auflisten, die Sie auf Ihrer Website verwenden. Achten Sie darauf, dass der Link zur Datenschutzerklärung von jeder Seite der Website aus erreichbar sein muss. Beispielinhalte: Datenerhebung, -nutzung und Weitergabe Erklärung über die Eigentümerschaft der auf Ihrer Website gesammelten Informationen, die Art der Datensammlung, die Weitergabe an Dritte usw. Kontrolle über Daten Erklärung über die Möglichkeit, personenbezogene Informationen und Daten einzusehen, zu ändern und zu aktualisieren, Bedenken bezüglich der Datenverwendung usw. Datensicherheit Schutzmaßnahmen der Nutzerdaten, Datenverschlüsselung, Serverinformationen, auf denen die Daten gespeichert werden, Datenübertragung usw. ​ Erfahren Sie hier mehr.

  • EUSKOR 2018 - 2020 | Dr Tereza Novotná

    < Back Completed Projects EUSKOR 2018 - 2020 About EUSKOR E urope, the U nited S tates and the Crisis on the KOR ean Peninsula: Between a Rock and a Hard Place. ​ The "EUSKOR" is a two-year (2018-2020) Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 797977). The EUSKOR project is led by Dr Tereza Novotna and examines the EU’s foreign policy towards North Korea and the EU’s role in North East (NE) Asia. The EUSKOR is based at the Center for European Integration at Free University Berlin which is chaired by Prof. Tanja Börzel. EUSKOR Project Abstract Firstly, the “EUSKOR” project explores whether and how the EU could play a more significant role in the DPRK through its increased strategic engagement, particularly by using diplomacy, mediation and verification expertise. The “EUSKOR” project analyzes whether there are any “out-of-the-box” approaches, both at high and lower levels, that have not been employed yet and whether there are any policy options that the EU can bring to the negotiating table in order to help reach denuclearization on the Korean peninsula and peace settlement between the US and DPRK. Secondly, the EUSKOR project explores why the EU has so far been incapable of becoming a credible political and security actor in North East (NE) Asia despite its declared intentions, trade power and experiences applicable to the region. The second part of the EUSKOR project examines new ways in which the EU (with its Member States) could “upload” its strategic priorities to NE Asia by “downloading” the EU’s policy preferences to the North Korean issue, using the Korean peninsula as the geopolitical gateway for “upgrading” its standing in NE Asia. Thirdly, given the EU’s push for free trade, particularly at the time of a growing American protectionism, the EUSKOR project also investigates whether and how the EU could better link its political and security interests with its trade leverage. Theory-building and Methodology The EUSKOR project’s highly topical empirical findings, particularly with the view of an upcoming new leadership in Brussels, are complemented by theory-building through looking at who/what drives EU foreign policy and why and whether diffusion of European ideas and policies could ‘travel’ beyond Europe, hence making the link between EU internal governance and EU foreign policy. Drawing on extensive series of semi-structured interviews conducted in Berlin, Brussels and during short visits to NE Asian capitals, including several trips to the DPRK, the EUSKOR project is cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary, informing at least three fields of social sciences (international relations, comparative politics and political economy).

  • AGB | Dr Tereza Novotná

    AGB Dies sind die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB). Diese Vorlage enthält Beispieltexte, ist nicht vollständig und kann nicht veröffentlicht werden. Die AGB dienen der Absicherung von Website-Eigentümern. Darin können sie eigene Vertragsbedingungen festlegen und ihrer Informationspflicht nachkommen. Für den Fall eines Online-Shops kann diese Informationspflicht z. B. Details über Waren, Preise sowie die Bedingungen des Vertragsabschlusses, der Kündigung und des Widerrufs umfassen. Die AGB müssen Überschriften enthalten und passend für das eigene Unternehmen formuliert sein. Um sicherzugehen, dass Ihre AGB gesetzlichen Regelungen entsprechen, lassen Sie diese von einem erfahrenen Anwalt überprüfen.

  • Contact | Dr. Tereza Novotna | Berlin

    Contact Mail Location Phone Home Freie Universität Berlin/Free University of Berlin Korea Europe Center, Institute for Korean Studies ​ Otto-von-Simson Str. 11, 14195 Berlin, Germany +49-170-597-2767 Web EUSKOR FU Berlin ​ Europeum ​

  • Publications | Dr. Tereza Novotna | Berlin

    North Korea & North East Asia EU Global Role & Foreign Policy Transatlantic Relations & Trade Central Europe, Czech Politics & Visegrad 4 Germany & German Politics Publictions in Czech Anchor 1 List of publications North Korea & East Asia EU Global Role Transatlantic Relations & Trade Central Europe, Czech Politics. Viségrad 4 Germany & German Politics Publications in Czech Full List of Publications NORTH KOREA & NORTH EAST ASIA What EU-ROK Partnership within the US-China Conflict ?, Asia Centre Paris, 10 November 2020. pdf ​ Health, Trade and North Korea: The EU-South Korea Summit and Future Ties , 9DashLine, 11 July 2020. pdf ​ What’s wrong with the EU policy towards North Korea and how to fix it . Europe's World. Friends of Europe, 6 March 2020. pdf What Can a New “Geopolitical” EU Do about North Korea? 38 North Commentary, 6 February 2020. pdf What Can the EU Contribute to Peace on the Korean Peninsula? Tereza Novotna discusses the EU’s policies toward North Korea . An interview with Ankit Panda. The Diplomat, 22 July 2019. pdf Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un need the European Union (with Alessandro Ford) , The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 3 May 2019. pdf Of Pandas and Elephants: The EU is Positioning Itself between China and the US after the April 2019 EU-China Summit , Commentary, Europeum, 14 April 2019. pdf The Next Conflict: North Korea — For Americans and Europeans Alike, A Young Professional Summit Participant Perspective on GMF’s Brussels Forum, The German Marshall Fund @ Medium, 10 April 2017. ​ EU GLOBAL ROLE, EU FOREIGN POLICY & HRVP, EEAS, EU DELEGATIONS In Progress: Making the EU Foreign Policy through EU Delegations, book project, for consideration by Palgrave Pivot – Global Reordering Series (eds. Shaun Breslin and Andre Broome) In Progress: From an EU Ambassador to an EU Ambassador: Nominations of Heads of EU Delegations under Federica Mogherini (a policy brief under preparation for EUROPEUM’s Brussels Monitor) Federica Mogherini Four Years through Her Mandate as the High Representative and Vice-President of the Commission in: Rethinking the European Union and its Global Role from the 20thto the 21stCentury. Liber Amicorum Mario Telò. Anne Weyembergh, Giovanni Grevi, Jean-Michel De Waele, Frederik Ponjaert (eds.), Editions de l‘Université libre de Bruxelles, 2019, pp. 225-232. pdf Europe as a Global Actor: United We Stand, Divided We Fall, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 55, no. s1, 2017, pp. 177-191 doi: 10.1111/jcms.12601 pdf The article was one of twenty most read JCMS publications in 2017-18 and has been awarded a Wiley Blackwell certificate pdf The Rome Declaration and the New Global Order, Commentary: The Rome Summit, Europeum, 29 March 2017. pdf Not a Leap but a Step in the Right Direction: Mogherini’s Structural and Personnel Reform of the EU’s Diplomatic Service , Brussels Monitor, No. 1, Europeum, March 2016. pdf Featured on the POLITICO Playbook as the most popular post on (1 April 2016) A close look at the EU foreign service staff reshuffle , EU Observer, 14 March 2016. pdf Women in the EEAS and EU Delegations: Another Post-Westphalia Change? in: European Diplomacy Post-Westphalia? Jozef Bátora and David Spence (eds.). Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2015, pp. 426-436. pdf Federica Mogherini and Her First Year as HRVP , Europeum Policy Brief, Europeum, December 2015. pdf The EU’s Voice in Third Countries: The EU Delegations around the World , Studia Diplomatica, Vol. LXVII, No. 1., November 2014, pp. 29-45. pdf Review of The EU’s Foreign Policy: What Kind of Power and Diplomatic Action? (ed. by Mario Telò and Frederik Ponjaert) (Farnham, Ashgate, 2013), EUSA Review, Vol. 27, No. 2, Fall 2014, pp.18-19. pdf Who’s in Charge? Member States, EU Institutions and the European External Action Service , ISPI Policy Brief No. 228, ISPI Milan, 8 October 2014. pdf Whose Officials and Whose Nationals? The European External Action Service at the End of Ashton’s Tenure , GR:EEN European Policy Brief, 30 September 2014. pdf Where Have all the Women Gone? Women in EEAS and EU Delegations , ISPI, Milan, 10 March 2014. pdf A Deputy, a Dose of Reorganization and a Schuman Shuffle: How to Make the European External Action Service Work Better , GR:EEN European Policy Brief, March 2013. pdf TRANSATLANTIC RELATIONS & TRADE In Progress: Brexit, Elections and Public Discourse: The Fate of the TTIP and CETA Negotiations in Europe (a revised conference paper under preparation for Journal of European Integration) Will Donald Trump shoot down TTIP or rebrand it as the ‘Trump-TIP’? USApp-The LSE US Centre blog on American Politics , 20 January 2017. pdf Republished as “IEE ULB Focus on Tereza Novotna – carte blanche” (26 January 2017) pdf Featured on the Playbook’s Wonk Corner as a most read item (27 January 2017) Four Reasons Why TTIP May Fail and Why It Will be Europe’s Fault in: New Challenges, New Voices: Next Generation Viewpoints on Transatlantic Relations. Tim Oliver (Ed.). Dahrendorf Forum Special Report. LSE IDEAS London, 2016. pdf Featured on the Politico Playbook as the most popular item on (10 June 2016) The Politics of Transatlantic Trade Negotiations: TTIP in a Globalized World (edited with Jean-Frederic Morin, Frederik Ponjaert and Mario Telo; with a Foreword by Commissioner Karl De Gucht): GEM Series. Ashgate, London, 2015. Discount coupon: pdf EU Institutions, Member States and TTIP Negotiations: The Balance of Power and EU Foreign Policy in: The Politics of Transatlantic Trade Negotiations: TTIP in a Globalized World, Jean-Frederic Morin, Tereza Novotna, Frederik Ponjaert and Mario Telo (eds.) GEM Series. Ashgate, London, April 2015, pp. 59-68. pdf CENTRAL EUROPE & CZECH POLITICS & VISEGRAD 4 & EU ENLARGEMENT In Progress: Brexit Negotiations have been like EU Enlargement – Only in Reverse(a policy paper under preparation) Czechia: From a V4-Enthusiast to a V4-Sceptic and Back Again (with Zuzana Stuchlíková) in: The Future of the Visegrad Group. Ania Skrzypek, Maria Skóra (eds.). Foundation for European Progressive Studies and Das Progressive Zentrum, 2017, pp. 6-12. How Germany Unified and the EU Enlarged: Negotiating the Accession through Transplantation and Adaptation . New Perspectives in German Political Studies series (William Paterson, ed.), Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, October 2015. pdf A book review by Carolyne Rowe, German Politics, 2016, 25:3, pp. 436-437 A book review by Fraser Cameron, International Spectator, 2016, 51(3), pp. 144–145 A book review by Daniel Šitera,Mezinárodní vztahy [International Affairs], 2016, 4, 73-77 A book review by Barbara Lippert, JCMS, 2017, 55: 159–160. The European elections in Central and Eastern EU states illustrate that the rise of Euroscepticism was far from uniform across Europe (with Tim Haughton), LSE EUROPP Blog, 29 May 2014. pdf The Czech paradox: Did the winner lose and the losers win? (with Tim Haughton and Kevin Deegan-Krause), The MonkeyCage blog, Washington Post, 30 October 2013. pdf 2013 Czech Presidential Election Post-Election Report (with Tim Haughton): Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, and a Slice of Something Blue, The MonkeyCage blog, January 2013. pdf The 2010 Czech and Slovak Parliamentary Elections: Red Cards to the ‘Winners’ (with Tim Haughton and Kevin Deegan-Krause), West European Politics, Vol. 34, No. 2, 2011, pp. 394-402. pdf Dilemmas of Transition: Three Institution-Building Lessons from Central and Eastern Europe , Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Working Paper FG1, 2011/6, December 2011. pdf Reflections on the Peaceful Revolutions in Eastern Europe: How Berlin and Prague Celebrated the 20th Anniversary of 1989 , Tr@nsit online, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna, May 2010. pdf Czech Republic: Prime minister will survive for now (with Tim Haughton), Oxford Analytica Daily Brief, November 12th, 2008. The Transplantation and Adaptation Types of Political Integration: Examples of the German Unification in Parallel with the Eastern Enlargement of the EU, in Perspectives: The Central European Review of International Affairs, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2008, pp. 77-102. Civic and Ethnic Conceptions of Nationhood in the First Czechoslovak Republic: Emanuel Radl’s Theories of Nationalism,Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism , Vol. 8, No. 3, Blackwell Publishing, 2008, pp. 579-594. pdf Czech and Slovak Republics on the Way to the EU and the European Union in the Czech and Slovak Pre-Accession Public Discourses in: Tomas Cahlik (ed.),European Union Governance - Challenges and Opportunities, MatFyzPress, Prague, 2008, pp.97-110. pdf The Eastern Enlargement of the EU: Czech and Slovak Experience , Journal of Comparative European Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, May 2007, University of Oxford, pp. 51-63. pdf Czechoslovakia, Czechoslovakism and German National Minorities between the World Wars: Emanuel Rádl’s Theory of a Nation and a State , eSharp, No. 6:1, Identity and Marginality, University of Glasgow, November 2005, pp.1-15. pdf GERMANY AND GERMAN POLITICS How Germany Unified and the EU Enlarged: Negotiating the Accession through Transplantation and Adaptation. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, October 2015, see under Central Europe for more details. The man whose words brought down the Berlin Wall was far from a bumbling fool , The Conversation, 10 November 2015. pdf Merkel's future bedfellows must stoke Germans' European identity , EurActiv, 25 September 2013. pdf Wanted! Bringing the European Identity in Post-Election Germany Back In , GR:EEN European Policy Brief, September 2013. pdf ‘Superwahljahr’ mit Tabus: Der Bundestagswahlkampf und die deutsche Einheit [‘The Super Election Year’ with Taboos: The Federal Election Campaign and the German Unity] (written in German), in Wahlbeobachterreise Berichte 2009,DAAD, Bonn, 2011. Hastily Arranged Marriage: Political Attitudes and Perceptions in Germany 20 Years after the Unification , German Politics and Society, Vol. 28, No. 4, Winter 2010, pp.19-40. pdf ​ PUBLICATIONS IN CZECH Římská deklarace a nový světový řád [Czech version of the Rome Summit Commentary above], Komentář: Římský summit, 29 March 2017. pdf Žádné velké změny, jen krok správným směrem: Mogheriniové strukturální a personální reforma diplomatické služby EU [Czech translation of the Brussels Monitor No. 1 above], April 2016. pdf Odejít, či neodejít? Čtyři klíčové faktory ovlivňující budoucnost Velké Británie v EU [To Leave of Not To Leave? Four Key Factors For the Future of the Great Britain in the EU] (with Tim Haughton),, Europeum blog, January 2016. pdf Federica Mogherini a její první rok ve funkci [Federica Mogherini’s First Year in the Office], Europeum Policy Brief, 5 November 2015. pdf Po letech negace EU chce být vláda u toho [After years of distancing, the government wants to be at the heart of the EU],Lidové noviny, příloha Horizont, 20.2.2014, p. 14. Volební systém První československé republiky a jeho reformy [Electoral System of the First Czechoslovak Republic and Its Reforms], in: M. Novák, T. Lebeda (eds.), Volební a stranické systémy, Česká republika v mezinárodním srovnání [Electoral and Party Systems, The Czech Republic in the International Comparison],Aleš Čeněk, Pelhřimov, 2004, pp. 165-196. Idea Kantova věčného míru z evropského integračního pohledu [The Idea of Kant’s Perpetual Peace from the Perspective of European Integration], Association for International Affairs/ Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky, December 2003. pdf Proměny československého volebního systému, Reformy dvacátých let[Variations of the Czechoslovak Electoral System, Reforms of the 1920s], in: Politologická revue [Political Science Review], Vol. IX., No. 2003/1, June 2003, pp. 34-56. Society in the Era of Normalization in the 1970s and 1980s in Czechoslovakia[Společnost v období normalizace v 70. a 80. letech v Československu], thesis published as a supplement to working papers by the Institute of Contemporary History, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic, May 2004. ​ List of Publications North Korea & North East Asia EU Global Role & Foreign Policy Transatlantic Relations & Trade Central Europe, Czech Politics & Visegrad 4 List of publications Germany & German Politics Publictions in Czech Publications This is the list of publications by Dr. Tereza Novotna separated by a theme, in the chronological order. If you wish to see the list of publications separated by a type of publication (such as a book, peer reviewed etc.), please click on the link to download the list of publications as pdf. For copies of publications, please click on the pdf-icon, the link or contact the author . Anchor 1

  • KORONEU 2020 - 2022 | Dr Tereza Novotná

    About KOR-ON-EU Network/reseach group Panel Conference Publications Other Activities Related to the EU-Korean Peninsula Relations Other Activities not related to the EU-Korean Peninsula relations Business Travels Miscellaneous About KOR-ON-NEU Network/research group Panel conference Publications Activities related to EU-Korean peninsula relations Activities not related to EU-Korean peninsula relations Business travels Miscellaneous < Back Completed Projects KOR-ON-EU Korea and the EU Between the Corona Crisis and the US-China Rivalry 2020 - 2022 About KOR-ON-EU The KOR-ON-EU project has primarily focused on the theme of how Europe and Asia, and particularly South Korea, tackled the ongoing Covid19 pandemic . The project was led by its Project Director, Dr Tereza Novotna (Free University Berlin) and included two project participants, Dr Zsuzsa Ferenczy, currently a postdoctoral fellow at NextGen Taiwan and an affiliate scholar at Vrije (Free) University Brussels as well as Dr June Park, currently Fung Global Fellow at Princeton University. The project also financed a student assistant, Ms Phuong-Ha Nguyen, a Masters student at Free University Berlin. Network/research group As a result, the KOR-ON-EU project has led to a creation of a network/research group of scholars and practitioners who have been researching various aspects of the pandemic (i.e. measures taken by individual countries in Asia and in the EU to combat SARS-COV-19, including border closures, lockdowns, masking, IT tools, vaccinations, etc.). This research group currently includes (apart from the project director and the two project participants) the following members from universities and institutions across Asia and Europe: Dr Americo Beviglia Zampetti, European Commission, DG for Health and Food Safety Dr Alessandra Cappelletti, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Dr Evangelos (Evans) Fanoulis, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Prof Stefan Auer, University of Hong Kong Dr Andre Park, University of Hong Kong Dr Nicole Scicluna, Hong Kong Baptist University Dr Erwin Tan, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Dr Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy, Vrije Universitaet Brussel and NextGen Taiwan Dr Chiew-Ping Hoo, National University of Malaysia Dr Dang Thi Viet Phuong, Institute of Sociology, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences Dr Nguyen Duc Vinh, Institute of Sociology, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences Mr Juan Blick-Paris, European Commission, DG for International Partnerships Dr Unni Karunakara, Yale School of Public Health The research group covers the following countries and territories and their approaches to combatting Covid19. EU South Korea North Korea China Hong Kong Taiwan Singapore Malaysia Vietnam global aspects (WHO) Europe and Asia Fighting COVID-19 Together: Mutual Lessons from the Pandemic On 29 September 2021, the Project Director, together with the Korea-Europe Center of Free University Berlin, organized a one-day two-panel online conference on the topic of “Europe and Asia Fighting COVID-19 Together: Mutual Lessons from the Pandemic” . The first panel, focused on other countries in Asia, included some of the research groups members, such as Dr Ferenczy (project participant), Prof. Auer, Dr Zampetti and, in addition, Mr Anselm Kanwischer from forumZFD who focused on Cambodia. The second panel which covered the Korean peninsula included research group members Dr Park (project participant), Dr Tan, Mr Blick and, in addition, Dr Kee Park from Harvard Medical School. Both panels were moderated by the Project Director, Dr Novotna. For both panels, about 60-70 participants registered to follow the event via Webex and the video recording of both sessions is available online at the YouTube channel of the Institute for Korean Studies, Free University Berlin:​ Panel One: Panel Two: ​ ​ This organized conference has served as a starting point for the research group. As a follow up, the Project Director put together a panel proposal for the American Political Science Association (APSA) annual conference to be held in Montreal in September 2022. The panel proposal drew on the project and event above and included papers by the Project Director on the EU and South Korea dealing with the pandemic, Dr Ferenczy on Taiwan, Prof. Auer and his colleagues on Hong Kong and by Dr Hoo on Malaysia. ​ Publications The Project Director has also coordinated and drafted a proposal for a special issue for The International Spectator which is one of the leading international relations journals based at the Institute for International Affairs in Rome and whose focus is to combine academic research with policy-relevant studies. The proposed special issue is edited by the Project Director together with her two colleagues from Free University Berlin, i.e. Prof. Lee Eun-Jeung and Dr Christoph Michael and with one of the contributors, Chew-Ping Hoo (National University of Malaysia). The special issue proposal has been submitted to the journal editors and the project director awaits the decision by the editorial board about the acceptance of the special issue. Should the special issue be accepted for publication, the proposed timeline includes a delivery date of the manuscripts by the end of June 2022. The draft articles will need to go through a peer-review process before being published by the journal. A potential publication of the special issue would make for an excellent opportunity for further collaboration between the Korea Foundation (KF) and the Project Director. The proposed special issue includes a contribution by the Project Director entitled “Fighting Covid19 in Europe and South Korea: Two Models of the Pandemic Management?” This contribution develops a policy chapter entitled “Korea and The EU Battling Covid19: Towards Cooperation to Improve the Global Governance of Health?” which the Project Director published in Asia Trends, Paris, Vol.7, Fall 2021, pp. 116-128 which is an in-house publication of the Asia Centre Paris and it is so far the key publication outcome of the project. The Project Director has also been invited by Dr Jean-Francois di Meglio, the director of the Asia Center Paris, to present her policy chapter at the Asia Trends launch event at the Cercle de l’Union Interalliée in Paris on 15 October 2021. Link to the Asia Trends publication: Link to the Asia Center – Asia Trends launch: The Project Director has proposed to present her draft article for the special issue at the ECPR Study Group on the European Union (ECPR SGEU) conference at the LUISS University in Rome on 8-10 June 2022 at a panel on health governance. Project Director’s proposal has been successful and she will therefore present her paper in Italy in a few months’ time. Similarly, the Project Director has proposed to present her draft editorial for the special issue at the 52nd Annual University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) conference at the European School of Political and Social Sciences (ESPOL) in Lille, France on 5-8 September 2022. Project Director’s proposal has been successful and she will therefore present her paper in Lille, France in September 2022. Given that the proposed papers are based on the KF KOR-ON-EU project, both of these conferences (ECPR SGEU and UACES) represent opportunities for a further collaboration between the KF and the Project Director. The Project Director has also become a member of another research team which works on the EU-South Korea relations. Within this research group, the Project Director has teamed up with Professor Kim Nam-Kook (Korea University) with whom she has been writing a paper on the theme of Governance of Infectious Diseases and Human security in the EU and South Korea , heavily drawing on the work conducted throughout the KF KOR-ON-EU project. The research team includes four other EU scholars (Thomas Diez from University of Tübingen, Thomas Christiansen from LUISS University Rome, Katja Biedenkopf from University of Leuven and Ben Tonra from University College Dublin), while there are five other Korean scholars involved (Moosung Lee from Myongji University, Jae Sung Lee from Korea University, Sung-Won Yoon from Suwon University, Bong-Chul Kim from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, and Sea Won Chung from Pykyung National University). The group has so far held two closed online workshops in July 2021 and in February 2022 to coordinate the group’s work. It is expected that the research team will have a collection of papers ready by Fall 2022 and will submit them to either a journal on EU-Asia relations, or to a book publisher. Other Activities Related to the EU-Korean peninsula relations Apart from the work above which has been related directly to the KF KOR-ON-EU project, the Project Director also took part in various other activities closely linked to the advancement of the EU-Korean peninsula relations. The list (in the reverse chronological order) below includes all these activities and provides details where relevant. On 10 December 2021, the Project Director participated in the International Conference (online) on the theme of “Connecting Europe and Asia: Security, Trade and Mobility” which was organized by Profesor Kim Sihong and the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS JMCE) and which commemorated the center’s 10th anniversary. The Project Director gave a presentation on the theme of “The US-China Competition and EU-North Korea Relations”. All contributions are currently being collated by the organizers and will be published in an edited volume by the HUFS JMCE in 2022. Link to the event on HUFS JCME’s Facebook page: On 24 November 2021, the Project Director chaired a special online lecture on North Korea entitled “An international NGO conducting cooperative organic agriculture projects in North Korea” by Andre Leu, IFOAM Ambassador, Australia which was co-organized by the Korea-Europe Center at Free University Berlin and KDI School Link to the lecture series: On 16-17 November 2021, the Project Director chaired several lectures which were a part of a week-long training 2021 G20 Global Leadership Program for selected graduate students and mid-career professionals on-site in Berlin which was co-organized by the KDI School for Public Policy and Management and the Korea-Europe Center at Free University Berlin. On 25 October 2021, the Project Director gave a presentation entitled “What Can We Learn from the Helsinki Process and “Ostpolitik” for the Peaceful Coexistence on the Korean Peninsula?” at a panel at the World Korea Forum (WKF) in Stockholm, Sweden which was organized by the Korea Global Foundation and The Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP). Link to the WKF: On 15 October 2021, the Project Director participated in a closed session and chaired a panel discussion on the Korea-Visegrad Group Future Cooperation at a Conference on Korea and Central Europe Future Cooperation in Prague, Czech Republic which was organized by The Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Institute of International Relations (IIR), and the Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE) . Link to the UMV event: ​ On 11 October 2021, the Project Director chaired the 4th Annual Kim Dae Jung Lecture with Prof Dr Moon Ch ung In , former Special Advisor of National Security and Foreign Affairs to the ROK President Moon Jae-in which was organized by the Institute for Korean Studies at Free University Berlin Link to Prof. Moon’s lecture: On 1 October 2021, the Project Director gave a presentation entitled “What Future for the EU-ROK Partnership in the Light of the US-China Competition?” at an online panel at the American Political Science Association (APSA) in Seattle. Link to the APSA annual conference: ​ ​ On 2 September 2021, the Project Director gave a presentation entitled “Back to the Future: Lessons from the Cold War for the Korean Peninsula” at an online panel at the Korea Global Forum for Peace (KGFP ) which was organized by the ROK’s Ministry of Unification . Link to the KGFP: On 18 August 2021, the Project Director gave a presentation entitled “The EU and South Korea within the US-China Rivalry: What Future for the Strategic Partnership?” at an online panel at the Korea Political Science Association (KPSA) World Congress. Link to the KPSA World Congress: On 15 July 2021, the Project Director has been elected a Chair of the IPSA Research Committee 42 on the Security, Integration and Unification . Link to the International Political Science Association (IPSA) Research Committee 42 overview: On 9 July 2021, the Project Director chaired a Human Security and Development Forum entitled “Talking (and Listening) to North Korea” with Glyn Ford , a former Member of the European Parliament and chair of its Delegation for the Korean Peninsula Link to the HSDF: On 8 July 2021, the Project Director led a Strategic Dialogue Workshop (colloquium for PhD students) in Berlin which was organized by the Korea-Europe Center at Free University Berlin and KDI School. Link to the workshop: In the summer 2021, the Project Director has submitted a paper proposal entitled “From Connectivity to Sanctions and from Soft to Hard Power: How the EU and South Korea Have Been Responding to the US-China Competition” to the virtual panel at the International Studies Association Annual Convention (on-site in Nashville, US) which will be presented online on 28 March 2022. Link to the ISA Conference program: Since summer 2021, the Project Director has been working on a book chapter entitled “From Connectivity to Sanctions and from Soft to Hard Power Approaches: How the EU and South Korea Have Been Responding to the US-China Competition” which will be published in: Bernhard Seliger and Ralph M. Wrobel (eds), Korea, the Iron Silk Road and the Belt and Road Initiative: Soft power and Hard power Approaches, Peter Lang, Berlin, Summer 2022, pp. 185-202 Link to the Peter Lang Publishers website: Other Activities Not Related to the EU-Korean peninsula relations Apart from the work above which has been related directly to the KF KOR-ON-EU project and/or EU-Korea relations, the Project Director also took part in various other activities closely linked to EU foreign policy, German politics and others. The list below (in the reverse chronological order) includes all these activities and provides details where relevant. On 28 October 2021, the Project Director served as a discussant at the Opening Conference entitled “The Next Generation EU recovery plan and its global implications” which was held in the presence of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission Josep Borrell and was organized The Royal Academy of Belgium and The European External Action Service. Link to the event website: Link to the event video: ​ ​ On 22-27 September 2021, the Project Director participated in the International Association for the Study of German Politics (IASGP) election observation trip of the German federal (Bundestag) elections as a locally-based observer. Link to the IASGP election observation trip application: On 28 July 2021, the Project Director delivered a lecture entitled „The Quest for European Strategic Autonomy” at the European Summer School in Prague for university students which was organized by the EUROPEUM think tank. Link to a report on the summer school: On 15 July 2021, the Project Director participated in the International Political Science Association (IPSA) conference as an observer to the panel on the EU Foreign & Security Policy Link to the International Political Science Association (IPSA) panel: Business travels During the KF KOR-ON-EU project, the Project Director undertook several business travels that were in support of her research as well as other activities explained in detail above. Some of these business trips were partly funded by the organizers of the activities. The Project Director undertook the following business trips: Bern, Switzerland (September 8-18, 2021) – visit of three North Korea-related exhibitions (“Sigg collection” of North Korean paintings, “Let’s talk about mountains: A Filmic Approach to North Korea” and a small collection of memorabilia from the Swiss participation in the Neutral Nations Commission); meetings at the Swiss agency for development and cooperation (responsible for humanitarian and development aid to North Korea) and former members of the NNSC and the Swiss development agency’s office in Pyongyang Link to the “Sigg collection” exhibition at the Kunstmuseum Bern: Link to the “Let’s talk about mountains” exhibition at the Alpine Museum Bern: Link to the NNSC exhibition in the library on the Guisanplatz: Stockholm, Sweden (October 21-27, 2021) – to participate in the World Korea Forum (see above) and to attend meetings at the ministry for foreign affairs, the ISDP (see above) and the DPRK embassy to Sweden Brussels, Belgium (October 27-30, 2021) – to participate in the event with HRVP Josep Borrell (see above) and to meet EEAS officials working on the Korean peninsula Miscellaneous The Project Director purchased a subscription to the NK News , an English news agency covering news about the DPRK (see ) and to the South China Morning Post ( ), an English-language newspaper which covers Asia. The Project Director has been attending Korean-language course (Sejong 3) which is organized by the Sejong Institue at the Korea Culture Center in Berlin. ​ About KOR-ON-EU Network/reseach group Panel Conference Publications Other Activities Related to the EU-Korean Peninsula Relations Other Activities not related to the EU-Korean Peninsula relations Business Travels Miscellaneous

  • PROJECTS | Dr Tereza Novotná

    Projects This page contains a list of current and completed projects of Dr. Tereza Novotná. For further details about the projects, please click on one of the tabs in the menu or the linked projects below. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Tereza Novotná at or at +49 30 838 66410. Enjoy! Current Projects CURRENT PROJECTS ​ KORONEU 2020 - 2022 EUSKOR 2018 - 2020 ​ COMPLETED PROJECTS

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